2025 telc C1 Hochschule

telc C1 Hochschule

Next exam date: 24.01.2025
Crash Course :  -

Registeration deadline : 09.01.2025 (until 12:00)

Exam Fee: 179
(Price for SFE course customer : 169€)

Party take part: 149€

Time left to sign up



Since 12.02.2016, passing telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule has been recognized at all German universities as a requirement for admission to university.

telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule tests university-related German language skills at a highly advanced level. The exam is aimed at adults who would like to study at a German-speaking university, who are already studying or working in an academic profession, and who would like to prove their German language skills.
With the new framework regulations on German language examinations for studying at German universities, "holders of a certificate for passing the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule examination" are exempt from proving their linguistic ability to study. 

  • What can you do at the C1 level?

    You can express yourself spontaneously and fluently. You are familiar with colloquial expressions and can vary the style of speech in a targeted manner. You maintain a high degree of grammatical correctness.

  • How is the exam structured?

    The exam consists of a written and an oral part. The written exam lasts 3 hours and 40 minutes (incl. 20 minutes break). Before the oral exam you have a preparation time of 20 minutes.

     Written exam (from 08:30 AM)

    • Reading comprehension + language modules (vocabulary and grammar) - 90 mins
    • Break - 20 mins
    • Listening comprehension - 40 Min
    • Writing- 70 mins

    Oral exam (from 02:00 PM)

    • usually together with another participant
    • 16 or 24 mins

Exam Dates
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Course information on the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule Crash Course can be found here.

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